Position statement by MedicalMountains GmbH on the proposal for a restriction on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) (Jun. 2023)
The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) has opened a comprehensive restriction process on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFASs for short. It aims to ban the use of the entire group of substances in the EU in the foreseeable future. Such a step would have serious consequences for medical technology and the entire industry. The new position paper of MedicalMountains GmbH examines the chemistry and properties of PFASs, highlights their significance for medical technology and shows the consequences that a ban on the substance group would have for the supply of medical devices and, accordingly, for patients. The positions of MedicalMountains GmbH outline a more differentiated, risk-based approach to PFASs in order to take into account patient welfare and safety as well as environmental and health protection concerns. This includes allowing safe PFASs such as fluoropolymers to continue to be used.
Version 2.0
Published June 2023